While looking around for the leak in my t-case I found something interesting.
I had made my skidplate with very little clearance for my t-case and while this was great for clearance under the rig, it did create a minor problem.
I found that my t-case was actually rubbing on my skidplate. No noise or anthing obvious, at least until I pulled the skidplate and noticed a shiny spot on the inside. Then I took a look at the bottom of the tcase and saw what’s in that pic. Not a lot of damage but too much of this and there could eventually be a problem.
I can’t say that an impact moved the skidplate closer to the tcase, there are not any spots that would indicate such a thing and I don’t remember one of those memorable crunching sounds on one of my wheeling trips. More than likely the tranny mount has settled over time and with the narrow clearance I left between the t-case and the skidplate, a bit of interference was inevitable.
Pretty simple solution to solve the problem. Just cut a section of the skidplate out and welded on a flat piece to cover the hole. That oval mark on the piece is where the t-case was rubbing. A bit of attention to the new patch on the inside of things finished it off. A couple of holes will let any water out that gets in there.